Friday, February 19, 2010

The Unknown Names Behind the Photo

Just around Thanksgiving of 2009 my grandmother had found what she had been looking for, for a long time. She found a picture of her grandfather. Now sure, you're thinking why would that be a big find, wouldn't she have known him? And wouldn't she have more than one picture of him? Well, no. Little is known about him because he lived a short life, and died at 32.

George Cadorette was born in July of 1874 in Canada. He was a full blooded Iroquoui Native American. He later married my great-great-grandmother Alma Laurion in 1896. George was a drunk, and Native American's can not keep their liquor down. So he was sent to a rehab, and died there. In his lifetime he had three children. Ida, Rose, and George.

The only photo my grandmother had of him was a picture of him and his wife on their wedding day. She could not remember where she had it, but all she remembered is that it looked like her but with a mustache.

When my grandmother found the photo she also found some other cherishable photo's. She found an old tintype photo of Alma when she was just 4 years old, she found a picture of Alma's parents, Cleophas and Cordellia, and lastly she found a picture of George's parents who's names are unknown.

I knew from stories that I heard that George was Native American. But even more proof was that on the picture of his parents, it is written saying "Grandpa & Grandma Cadorette. Pure Indian Iroquouis." We do not know the names of the Iroquoui's.

Not knowing their names really made me think, would you rather have all the pictures of everyone with no names or information, or would you rather have no photo's but all the information, dates, marriages, that you could imagine. It wasn't a question to me, I'd rather have the photos. You would have a visual of every person in your family tree instead of dates. Dates just tell you when things happened. But the photo actually shows you what they looked like and dressed like.

Above are the Unknown Cadorettes, my great-great-great grandparents. Hopefully I will find out more information on them someday, but for now I have a 5x7 photo of them hanging up in my room.

I'll be back soon to post more. If you ever find any relation in my blog, feel free e-mailing me at

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