Wednesday, March 31, 2010

DNA Analyzation!

Whenever you're researching your family's history or even a genealogist you must come across the idea of getting your DNA analyzed. I have been thinking about this for a while now but had always been turned off at the idea that it could only trace on your paternal line (father's father's father's father ect.) maternal line (mother's mother's mother's mother's ect.) You couldn't get the DNA info for all the people in-between.

As I was watching NBC's Who Do You Think You Are? famous football star Emmitt Smith was trying to find his bridge in his family's history back into Africa. Unable to do so, he contacted someone in DNA analysis and had it done. He found out what he was. The DNA lady told him what percentages of what he was and laid everything out very nicely. I thought this was great and it started to get me thinking about trying DNA anylisis.

I also saw an episode of PBS's Faces Of America and they do DNA analysis on that show too! It's amazing to see what they can find out about your past just from your DNA. So I decided to actually look into it.

I found a great website named It is actually the test they use on Faces of America. It's a great service that decodes your genome and tells you what you are basically. Unfortunately it costs $400 so I put it aside, but found out there was a discount from Oprah that took off a lot of money!

So I bought it! The test should be coming sometime this week. I have to spit into a tube and send it back in. It will take about 2 weeks to analyze everything, but it's worth it! I will post the results when they come.

I'll be back soon to post more. If you ever find any relation in my blog, feel free e-mailing me at

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